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Help! My child wants to breastfeed ALL THE TIME!!

…and I am at the end of my patience and energy – so I think.

It really helps me in these situations to remind myself of the wise words “A baby’s wants are a baby’s needs”. I.e., my baby is never, ever asking for the breast (or anything else) because she is spoiled or wants to be spoiled. It is a real need! And most times, it is not only the need for food.

Because breastfeeding is so much more!
Apart from energy and nutrition, nursing provides unconditional love, warmth, security, safety, home, comfort, company, peace, trust, familiarity.

Isn’t that beautiful?! Also, in a baby’s life, many things are both new, frightening and challenging all the time. So you, dearest mum, are often the one and only rock in your baby’s life. That is why she holds on to you so dearly. You are her everything! © So instead of getting annoyed at our babies, let’s see their needs with empathy. Let’s be there for our children as they are discovering our world, let’s show them that we love and care for them, even when they feel scared or sad or unwell. It helps to breathe and relax, to embrace mamahood – and to make it work for you!

A great solution for me is to (1) carry my child in a sling or a baby carrier and (2) wear nursing wear.

In that way, I can have my child on my body all the time, he can breastfeed whenever he wants, it is discreet, keeps my body warm, and I can do (almost) anything I want.

So… call your girlfriend, grab a comfy nursing jumper, put your baby into a sling and get out for a relaxing walk in the woods. Chat, sing, laugh, cry, hug, run, dance, breath, connect with your baby, love yourself and love your child.


Here is one of my personal favourite nursing tops for warmer days – so soft and cosy, yet such a gorgeous cut. I love it in pink, but you have many different colours to choose from.

Pink nursing top draped across the chest in bamboo fibres

Pink nursing top draped across the chest in bamboo fibres

For the cooler days when you want to be versatile and be comfortable both at home or in town, the nursing dress Chloé is a great choice for you.

Grey nursing dress with zipper nursing opening

Grey nursing dress with zipper nursing opening

Our breastfeeding shirt Laila is wonderfully comfortable to hang out in, perfect for late summer and available in various colours.

Black/white striped nursing shirt with hoodie and zipper

Black/white striped nursing shirt with hoodie and zipper

And if you want to feel like combining mamahood with dressing up a little, have a look at this cute nursing shirt:

Blue nursing blouse with frills and short sleeves

Blue nursing blouse with frills and short sleeves

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