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What is the meaning of this! Breastfeeding is natural

Okay. I´m disgusted. I feel like shouting: What is the meaning of this! The reason is that it´s still looked upon as something bad when women breastfeed in public places.

The latest numbers coming from UK is showing that only 1 child out of 200 children, still gets breastfeeded when they’re 12 months old. Even though I know that UK is not Denmark, we still see a lot of bad trends coming to the country. One trend is shouting at breastfeeding mothers and asking them to leave the place.

Why is it that we are disgusted by an act so innocent as breastfeeding – something that all examinations show are making your child healthier, stronger and smarter – and while we nowadays think it´s so hot for young men and women to show as little clothes as possible? Off course they´re in their good right to do so…so why is it that breastfeeding women are not? That´s double standards if you ask me.

So this is okay?

So this is okay?

But this is not ok?

But this is not ok?








By the way, did I mention that breastfeeding also counteracts overweight with children and breast cancer with the mother? What´s not to like! I don´t get why something so natural has to be so strongly limited. If we keep doing what we do, breastfeeding will become such an isolated and complicated thing, making mothers question if they should indeed breastfeed their child. In UK we see increasing numbers at 24%.

With all this said, you off course have to be respectful and take other people into account. But this goes for nearly everything, not only breastfeeding. It´s polite to be just a bit discreet, but you shouldn’t feel like you have to hide yourself in the bathroom every time you have to feed your child.

Luckily, Danish an Scandinavien women are very good at breastfeeding their children. And I really do hope that we keep doing so, and won´t let us be pushed by misunderstandings and incomprehensibility.

Here is a pair of ideas  how to keep your breasts warm and avoid infections, while being discreet at the same time when feeding your child.

Grey nursing blouse in bamboo

Grey nursing blouse in bamboo fibres

Grey nursing blouse in bamboo fibres

Grey nursing blouse in bamboo fibres

Grey nursing blouse in bamboo fibres

Nice, nice nursing blouse that can be used for most things. This nursing blouse looks good in all sizes and is a loose model, joined by a cuff at the hip. It can be worn in your everyday life as well as during fine occasions. It has a beautiful grey color.

The nursing blouse can be opened at the small buttons in the sleeve.

Price 78€/69£

Buy this here!


Rose nursing dress with wrap look


This nursing dress is a pretty classic with a wrap-around-look. So if you´re attending a party or holidays are closing in, then you need this dress!

This nursing dress has an empire cut, making your body look gorgeous!

Off course it´s made out of natural materials.

Price 103 €/92£

Buy it here!



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